The Portfolio was one of the first parts of Simply Wall St that was built, and over the years we have learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t, and also what you - our users - like and want in a portfolio management tool. That’s why one of our big projects at the moment is to re-build the portfolio from the ground up.
This is a big task, so we are doing it in steps. Our goal is to make the best portfolio management tool for long term individual investors.
Where are we at?
One of the biggest frustrations with using any portfolio management tool is keeping it up to date. We know how tedious it can be to manually add every holding or transaction. To solve this, we’re building a way to allow a seamless connection to your broker, so your portfolio will be imported in a matter of minutes and automatically stay up to date, always.
At the moment, the portfolio beta current open to US and Australian customers, with a select group of brokers including Robinhood, TDAmeritrade, Commsec, Stake, Webull and Interactive Brokers. US and Australian customers can view the full list by going to this link.
What to expect next?
In the future, we’re going to work towards supporting any major broker in the world. Our mission is to help every retail investor to build a successful portfolio, so no matter in which country you live in, we’ll do our best to support your broker (not an easy task!).