What’s new as of
Elevate your investing experience with our latest updates! Our enhanced Community section makes it easier to search for company-specific narratives. Explore collections by industry and find perspectives on undervalued or overvalued stocks. Plus you can now set a Fair Value directly from a Company Report, streamlining your analysis process. Finally Screener 2.0 is more powerful than ever with 36 new filters including keyword searches and an intuitive new design. Discover these exciting updates today!
28 February 2025
What’s new as of 17 January 2025
Welcome to 2025, and what better way to start a New Year than with some new features! Our latest improvements to the Community ensure the best content will always be at your fingertips. Weekly Picks highlights the top Narratives of the week, so you can explore fresh perspectives and discover thought leaders within our Community whose analysis resonates with your own. Be sure to check out what our Community has been up to!
Simply Wall St Community has been updated with a new Weekly Picks banner that showcases three of the highest quality Narratives this week, as curated by our team of analysts. Accompanying the Weekly Picks banner is an email sent our to active Community members, keeping them in the loop and providing some deeper insight as to why the analysts appreciated these Narratives so much.
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How this helps? Simply Wall St’s Community has been hard at work creating thousands of awesome Narratives, but we understand this can get a little overwhelming. Weekly Picks helps simplify things by delivering three of the most compelling and well written Narratives straight to you. Whether you’re looking to discover a new company, learn more about a company you know, or to even read some well reasoned counters to your own thinking, you should keep up to date on our Weekly Picks. |
What’s new as of 8 November 2024
Yield to our latest updates to boost your dividends! Our Company Report now features: Buyback Yield, Total Shareholder Yield, Future Dividend Yield, and more. Plan better with estimated ETF dividend payments on our Portfolio page. Plus, discover our new mini valuator on the Community page for lightning-fast fair value calculations. Analyze, project, and optimize your returns with ease. Start exploring today and power up your investing game!
Company Report
The Dividend section on our Company Report page has been updated with new information:
Buyback Yield
Total Shareholder Yield
Future Dividend Yield
Dividend Growth
Next Dividend Pay Date
Dividend Growth
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How this helps? The above information will help investors conduct a more complete analysis when assessing dividends such as how much capital a company is returning to its investors (buyback and total shareholder yield), projecting future potential income using the future dividend yield, whether the company is likely to increase dividends in the future and much more. |
The Dividend analysis section on our portfolio page now includes estimated dividend payments for ETFs.
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How this helps? |
We have introduced a new mini valuator for users browsing the Community page.
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How this helps? Determining the fair value of a company has never been easier or faster. Our new mini valuator now allows you to calculate a new fair value for a company or update an old fair value in seconds, all while browsing narratives from the Community. Whether you want to just record a value or you want to sow the seeds of a fully-fledged narrative, the mini valuator will support you! Explore our Community page to try out the new mini valuator for yourself! |
What’s new as of 25 October 2024
Elevate your investing experience with our latest updates! Our enhanced Community section makes it easier to search for company-specific narratives. Explore collections by industry and find perspectives on undervalued or overvalued stocks. Plus you can now set a Fair Value directly from a Company Report, streamlining your analysis process. Finally Screener 2.0 is more powerful than ever with 36 new filters including keyword searches and an intuitive new design. Discover these exciting updates today!
It’s now easier than ever to browse the Simply Wall St Community and find engaging narratives from members of our community! We’ve been hard at work improving your experience browsing Community with some great new additions:
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How this helps? These browsing improvements will help you keep track of the prevailing Community perspectives on the companies you’re interested in and will ultimately help inform your own perspective on where the value of that company lies. Maintaining a narrative on a company is key to managing a high performing portfolio, and Community now makes your life much easier by consolidating interesting perspectives from investors around the globe! Visit our Community page to find the latest on the companies you're interested in! |
Company Report
Keeping track of your notion of Fair Value is a super important part of making informed investment decisions. To support your decision making process, we’ve added the ability to set a Fair Value straight from the company report.
New 7 day stocks: Find any new stocks meeting your screen in the past 7 days
Weekly alerts: Save your screen and we check every week for new matches
36 new filters: Including Risk score, Revenue growth, Buyback yield and Insider ownership
Risk Score
Days since listing
Days since last earnings
Insider ownership ratio
7 day, 30 day, 90 day, 1 year, 3 year and 5 year Price Return
Analyst Price Target
PS Ratio, EV to Ebitda, EV to Sales and PFCF Ratio
Forecast Revenue Growth, Forecast Earnings Growth
Forward PE Ratio, Forward PS Ratio, Forward EV to Ebitda and Forward EV to Sales
Past 5 year Revenue Growth and Past 5 year Earnings Growth
ROCE Ratio
Profit Margin, Ebitda Margin and Earnings to FCF Ratio
Net Debt To Equity, Current Ratio and Interest Coverage
Dividend Growth Rate, Buyback Yield and Total Shareholder Yield
Future Dividend Yield, Earnings Payout Ratio and Cash Payout Ratio
Keyword search: Screen by themes e.g. "autonomous driving", "nuclear energy" and "artificial intelligence" (link to Marcs example document)
How this helps?
intelligence" or alternatively, discover more examples of themes you can search for.
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How this helps? The new filters offer more personalized screening options where you can now:
Visit your Screener page to start exploring our new range of filters! |
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How this helps? Maintaining Fair Values on Watchlist has never been easier! Whether you have your own ideas of what a company is worth, a community perspective has tickled your fancy or you’re more interested in the Analyst Price Target, the new Fair Value modal will allow you to quickly compare a range of Fair Values to ensure you’re always kept well informed on the companies you follow. |
Over the last year, we’ve been hard at work creating Narratives for Simply Wall St, which allows users to share their own unique perspectives on the companies they follow. These Narratives now have a place to call home. Introducing the Simply Wall St Community! Here you’ll find thousands of unique perspectives on stocks from around the world. Read, discuss, share and follow insights that support or challenge your perspective or create your own Narrative to share amongst the community.
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How this helps? Narratives are a great way to support your investing journey, and with the Community tab, it’s now easier than ever to broaden your research and discover new companies through the voices of fellow Simply Wall St users. Do you have strong opinions on a company? Great! There’ll be some great community Narratives that will support your views. There’ll also be some excellent counter-points that will really test your convictions and help you see the other side! |
Building on our dividend analysis capabilities, our latest update allows you to view projected dividend payments for the next three years. You can now easily access forecasted income estimates for the upcoming 12 months and beyond and track your total monthly income. Plus, you can also review detailed estimates for dividend payments from individual companies at a glance.
Unlock new ways to optimize your investment strategy with our latest changes! Our Portfolio tool now offers advanced dividend analysis, allowing you to assess dividend quality, forecast income, and monitor your dividend health with ease. Plus portfolio linking is available for even more brokerage providers. Dive into these improvements now and stay ahead of the pack!
We've enhanced our Portfolio tool with new analysis features to help you assess the quality of your dividend investments more effectively. At a glance, you can view forecast income for the next 12 months and beyond, evaluate dividend quality with the help of SWS dividend score, and track your total monthly income, total yield, and much more.
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How this helps? This new feature lets you discover companies as soon as they join any screener you’re exploring eliminating the time spent revisiting companies you've already seen before- meaning you can always be on top of fresh investment opportunities! |
The currency used for the aggregated portfolio performance chart and metrics can now be changed, not just each individual portfolio.
Stay informed with minimal effort using our improved portfolio home page. Your portfolios now appear as detailed tiles, offering quick access to crucial information.
Portfolio home page now displays all of your portfolios as tiles with details like the portfolio snowflake returns, risks and more on each tile.
Elevate your portfolio management with our latest updates! We’ve streamlined the process of adding multiple stocks with our enhanced entry interface and enjoy a more intuitive experience when editing your holdings list.
Holdings entry screen has been upgraded with an improved experience when adding multiple companies at a time.
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How this helps? |
The Snowflake, our ultimate tool for understanding a company’s performance at a glance, is now displayed in your holdings list for each company in both Portfolio and Watchlists. You can also sort your holdings by their Snowflake scores in each performance category.
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How this helps? Our advanced screener tool sifts through vast market data to pinpoint top potential performers, offering insights that go beyond the surface. |
Following recent improvements and upgrades to the portfolio, we have brought back a new an improved version of the Portfolio Snowflake. The Snowflake still includes an aggregated analysis of all of your portfolio holdings as before, but now includes the total risks and rewards present across your holdings.
The Screener, Company Reports, Portfolio, Notes and Dashboard have received some great new features and upgrades. You are able to find great companies more easily, dig deeper into a company’s expenses and better understand your portfolio’s geographic risks plus much more.
Company Report
When examining a specific company on the company report page, you can now explore peers with similar characteristics across various themes, such as high-growth sectors, value stocks, or strong financial performers—empowering you to pinpoint investment opportunities that align with your criteria.
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How this helps? |
A new Geographic Diversification Chart that provides a regional breakdown of the revenue sources of all your Portfolio holdings.
During the last fortnight, we have made some additions and improvements to our Portfolios, Company Reports, Stock Narratives and SWS News.
New diversification pie chart which shows you a breakdown of all the stocks in your portfolio.