Growth Problems We're Solving ๐งฉ and Opportunities We're Having ๐
At Simply Wall St, we want our target customers to find and use our platform when they face a problem we are solving regardless of where they are in the journey. We achieve this by building a sustainable and scalable growth engine (product, SEO, cross-channel messagings and partnership). We keep up to date with the latest trends in growth but we donโt chase shiny new objects and try to fit them into our engine. Instead, we find the best solutions that solve our customer problems, hence, our problems.
As we grow and scale up, we have to make sure growth is infused in every parts of the product and every team. What took us here may not take us to where we want in the next stage of growth.
Thinking and investing in long-term relationships with our customers, partners, product team, engineering team and customer success team.
Test, Iterate, Scale & Repeat. We make big bets in our growth initiatives. Therefore, itโs important to measure, quantify and back our growth bets with data. We have a long-term vision for growth but we start small. Once our bet is proven to succeed, we double down on the initiative, and scale up the team. We then repeat the process and proceed with our next biggest bet.
Operational excellence. Continue to improve our practices, processes and frameworks to scale and optimise our growth channels, hence, help our target users find the solution to their problem. Execution wins always.
User-centric and data-informed. Leverage the vast amount of data we have to make fast and high quality decisions.
Thinking through product and user lens (market trends, quantitative product data, qualitative customer insights, micro user moments, user feedback from customer successโฆ)