Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging at SWS 🏳️‍🌈

Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging at SWS 🏳️‍🌈

Simply Wall St is a place for everyone to belong and feel included. We celebrate diversity and ensure that everyone is responsible for making this a safe and inclusive environment. At Simply Wall St we want to ensure this is a company wide initiative, and whilst we are still on a journey to increase our Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging initiatives we want to make these commitments to you:

  1. We promise to hold everyone accountable for creating and maintaining an environment where everyone feels valued.

  2. We promise to listen. Share what is working and what you think can be improved upon. Whilst we strive to always be forward thinking, there are always ways we can improve. Please speak to Operations if you have any ideas we can implement.

  3. We promise to constantly move forward. We want to protect the good parts of Simply Wall St culture and ensure that we do not allow any negative or toxic behaviour to creep in.

This is not to say we have it all figured out, currently we are working across all parts of the business to ensure we are putting in place policies to ensure fairness, equity and diversity. This includes areas such as inclusive hiring, education, learning and creating awareness.

Firstly what we do mean by Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging?

  • Diversity: Ensuring there are range of diverse people from different cultural, religious, sexual orientations and neurodiversities across the business as diversity of thought leads to more creative solutions to solve our user problems.

  • Inclusion: Insuring a workplace where everyone feels respected, welcomed and valued for what they bring individually to Simply Wall St. We celebrate each other's differences and what we all have in common.

  • Belonging: Creating an equitable and fair environment where everyone’s talent is supported and mentored. We encourage different trains of thought and respect our peers for their differences in opinion.

What does this mean in practice?

  • Asking everyone about pronouns

  • Inclusive meetings - by adding pre-read notes so everyone can comment, not just the loudest voice

  • Inclusive language on job ads

  • Building diverse talent pipelines to ensure we are interviewing and hiring across a wide range of talent and backgrounds

  • Acceptance of different opinions and thought processes, there are multiple ways to problem solve

  • Zero tolerance for bullying, harassment or discrimination

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