Product Problems We're Solving 🧩

Product Problems We're Solving 🧩

We want to give individual investors the advantage by empowering them to make great decisions. We want to make it accessible to everyone from first-timers to those who have been building their portfolios for decades, regardless of geography, and ensure our success is aligned with theirs.

Our product strategy is to solve important problems for individual investors. We use a jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) framework to identify these.

We see decision making as the most important problem/ job in investing, and the majority of jobs are either an input to this or related in some way. Investing is decision making, all the information you learn on a stock is input into that decision. We don’t want to make decisions for our users, instead, we want to empower them to learn and make great decisions themselves.

Our product needs to follow a set of investing principles to stay consistent for users. We see product, growth and content as one.
