Growth at Simply Wall St

Growth at Simply Wall St


Continuously scale & diversify our acquisition channels, optimise our core funnels, build out our growth loops, increase product stickiness and connect user problems with our solutions.

Our Big Hairy Audacious Goal

1 million monthly retained monthly active users.



  • 100 million active individual investors worldwide and up and 86% of them do research in search engine. Every month there are up to 100 millions search and 27 millions potential social traffic related to investing in just the US.

  • There are over 4.2 billions views in TikTok related to investing videos





Unlock scalable, long-term and global acquisition channels through product-led initiatives

By creating global, diverse, sustainable channels our platform will be easy to be discovered by long term individual investors to solve their problems.

Iteratively learn and create better end to end and cross-channel experience across the user journey and lifecycle

When an investor discovers us, create systems that ensure that user realises the value of SWS and becomes an engaged user. Once a user becomes engaged, create systems to keep them engaged over time as they progress through their investing journey. For any customers who lapse or pause investing, create systems to revive and re-engage them.

Overdeliver value to users with a fair value plan

Besides having a great product, overdeliver value through product, content and support to users with a fair value plan helps us stand out, attract, convert and retain users better while building a profitable business.


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